• Abhyudaya Education Society School
    अभ्युदय एज्युकेशन सोसायटी स्कूल

Welcome to Abhyudaya Education Society School

Discipline And Behaviour

Student must be regular, systematic, courteous, obedient, neat and clean.

Student should participate with keen interest in meetings processions, ceremonies, shramdan, camps, picnic, festival, different competitions and any other kind of extracurricular and co-curricular activities arrange by the school.

Student should attend the special classes in different subject, arranged by the school according to requirement  and direction from the teachers

If any damage or loss is caused by any student to the property of  the school, the full cost  of the article will be recovered from him/her. If such action of the student is found  to be serious, the student will not be allowed to attend school regularly but can sit for the exam

Student should not take part in any objectionable activities. Student should be well behaved and disciplined in the school. If any matter of indiscipline / disobedience is found in the pupil, he/she will be punished suitably.

The student should bring with them all study material, instrument books, notebooks etc .required for the class every day.

When the general behaviour of a student is considered, not only his /her behaviour in the school, but outside also will be taken into account. If a student is found to found to take part in any objectionable activities, or such a case is brought to the notice, he/she will reasonably be punished.

All the students are required to possess a school calendar which should be brought to school daily.

It is forbidden to buy eatable from street vendor, students should bring Tiffin home.

Wearing ornaments and jewellery of any kind in the school is not allowed.

Students are responsible for the custody of their books and belongings. The school is not responsible for money or article lost.

Only books which are connected with the school works are to be brought to the school. No transistors, tape recorders, mobiles or videos may be brought to school without the consent of the school authorities.

To acquire greater facility in the study, English should be spoken in the school premises.

Silence should be maintained in class room during teaching, when the bell rings for prayer, while going to and fro and during functions.

Parents and guardians are strictly prohibited from meeting the teacher during the class hours .they must do so before or after the class hours.

Pupils must return after the holiday on the appointed day. In case of sickness the school authorities must be informed and doctor's certificate is to be produced.

Kotak Mahindra

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